Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Breaking News! ShopRite Is Expanding!

Greetings followers of the Atlantic Pacific Railroad and my blog!

Today the APRR is announcing expanded delivery service to ShopRite Food Warehouse (Wakefern Food Corporation) with the acquisition of the adjacent warehouse in Rock Ridge Yard! Wakefern Food Corporation, parent company of ShopRite, has struck a deal with 1:87 Sir Neal to lease out the warehouse for a 30 year deal, with the option to renew or first right of refusal. Wakefern Food Corporation is an American company that was founded in 1946 and is based in Keasbey, New Jersey. It is the largest retailers' cooperative group of supermarkets and the fourth-largest cooperative of any kind in the United States.

ShopRite wasted no time in adding their signs to the property!

Here we see both original warehouse and the expansion next door. 

This will increase profits for both ShopRite and the APRR as traffic to this industry has been growing over the past 2 years. Now the APRR can make the moves in a more efficient manner spotting more railcars instead of having to move cars multiples times in a few days or twice in a day!

We now learn that Quaker Oats will be supplying ShopRite with a more diverse line of products for both their retail and wholesale operations. 

Sir Neal and the entire APRR staff welcome the new Shoprite Warehouse! 

Saturday, January 4, 2025

New Update For the Florida Layout (aka The Southern Command)

Hello everyone and welcome to 2025 and my blog post for the Atlantic Pacific Railroad!

It's been quite some time that I've done any building on the layout in Florida, due to some health issues I had. Now that I'm doing better, the boss and I are in Florida for the winter and I have time to work on the railroad. 

For those not familiar with this layout, it's in a 12' x 13' room, two levels and runs as a point to point layout. I have (and will have) 12 industries to switch, a main yard on the lower level, and an interchange yard on the upper level. I started the build in December 2017 and finally completed the trackwork in spring of 2023. Lower level is 24" wide upper level is 18" wide. All built with 1"x3" wood and 1/2" AC plywood. Frames are on 12" centers and NO FRONT LEGS on the front of the layout!!

Some images of the layout over the years:

The helix - Yes, this layout has one although I learned from the NJ layout that I needed more space between levels. 

Lower level staging yard. All local jobs start and finish here. In the background on the left are a pair of tracks for my 2 sets of passenger trains; one Amtrak and one Tri-Rail

One of the first industries on the railroad...

Two more industries. One is for reefers and one for general warehousing...

East end of the upper level. Corner industry will be for aggregates..

West End corner is grain for Cargill (Thanks to Sir John of Georgia for the Cargill signs!)

Lower level industries are pellet transfer and plastics industry...

East end on lower level will be cement facility...

While the layout was designed for switching to run solo or with 1-2 more operators, I still wanted to have some passenger trains on it, even if it's for display and an occasional run when visitors want to see the layout run. 

I bought an Amtrak Station in hopes I could find a place to put it. However the choice between more tracks and trains versus a station gave way to the tracks and trains. So, what to do...?

Here's the kit I bought...

Since the footprint is huge, I decided to make it with just the front where the passengers board the train. While I didn't detail step by step (I know Sir John I should have), but I got caught up in the moment and when I put my mind to something, I just go non stop.

I cut the walls and doors to fit an area that is 19 1/2" in length and fits between a pair of brackets that supports the upper level...

All that's left to add are some more people, and we're good to go!!

On to the next project, which is one of the many kits I need to tackle. Just not sure which one...!

Thanks for reading!!

Sunday, November 17, 2024

P.C.C.M. #108 Part 5 On The A.P.R.R. - Freight Delivered To All A.P.R.R. Customers!!

Welcome back to the conclusion of P.C.C.M. #108 on the A.P.R.R...

The AP Yard crew is ready and so is 1:87 Norman!!

AP GP38-2 #303 with 1:87 Engineer Kai will head out today as train RC-1 delivering freight to Freihofer, C&P Restaurant Supply and Three Amigos Warehouse. AP GP38-2 with 1:87 Engineer Jim on standby for some other moves if needed...

Kai drops his caboose...

...And picks up his train on A/D track 'A'...

Grabs his caboose..

Stops at CP South, checks in with tower operator Rich. Kai will head out as AP Train RC-1 today...

...And waits for clearance to depart...

Clearance is given so Kai heads out to work the industries on the north side and east side of Rock Ridge...

Meanwhile over at Rock Ridge East Yard, 1:87 Engineer Steve of the Morristown & Erie (M&E) Railroad gets ready to depart for Rock Ridge Yard to pick up a string of cars...

Steve checks in with the Rock Ridge Tower operator Rich for his train orders...

Drops his caboose...

...And picks up 6 covered hoppers and 6 loaded coal hoppers...

Steve awaits the signal...

And heads back to Rock Ridge East Yard as train ME-18...

Steve heads thru Little Jamaica Interlocking....

Steve checks in with the West Harold Tower operator that governs Rock Ridge East approach. Then he gets handed over to the tower operator at Little Jamaica...

All 12 cars are dropped on Rock Ridge East Yard track 2. Steve ties down for the day. His work is finished...

Back over at Rock Ridge Yard, Mark prepares the moves for American Hardware and ShopRite. AP #105 gets designated as train RR-10 for today's moves.

First move is to drop the car from Port Owen Brick to American Hardware...

Mark makes the move to American Hardware...

Next set of moves is to ShopRite. A pair of EB box cars from Schaefer Brewery on the NYCTL and the PC Box car from Consolidated Groceries on the NYCTL...

The cars are lined up. This move requires the engine to shove the cars to ShopRite, so Mark will run around the cars, cross over from A/D track 'C' to track 'D' which serves both the industries and storage for any extra freight cars when American Hardware, PC Richard & Son have nothing at their loading docks...

Mark is in position...

...And is ready to deliver the 3 freight cars to ShopRite...

Mark makes the moves...

Now we turn out attention to the 4 covered hoppers filled with sand from T&R Gravel on the NYCTL...

EB GP38-2 #8163 will take the covered hoppers filled with sand to the Richmond Hill Engine Terminal...

So, who's in the cab? Why it's none other than 1:87 Sir John! Guess he missed his engine and wanted to check on it...! She's okay Sir John!!

Sir John picks up the caboose and his 4 PC covered hoppers...

And heads out to the yard limit...

Gets the approach signal out of Rock Ridge Yard...

Sir John heads out to Richmond Hill Engine Terminal...

A couple more moves. Morton Salt car #62004 from Cavendish Foods on the KPD will get loaded at Morton Salt and return back in a future PCCM...

Back over on the outskirts of Rock Ridge, Kai gets ready to deliver freight. First stop is Freihofer Bakeries...

The one LV car get a spot at Freihofer...

Next stop is C&P Restaurant Supply...

Kai needs to run around the train as these cars need to be shoved into the warehouse...

Kai slowly makes the move as the morning sun glare gets in the way...

Two tracks are getting freight cars. Track 1 gets the string of cars from Mayfield on the KPD...

The black HRC box car (in memory of our friend Engineer Ed) from Reynolds Beverage on the KPD...

Last stop for Kai - Three Amigos Warehouse...

The EL box car from Van Winkle Canning and the PC box car from IBM, both industries on the KPD, get dropped on track 1 at Three Amigos...

Kai get the clearance to head back to Rock Ridge Yard...

Kai will tie down in the yard. The second shift will run the engine to the engine terminal for servicing...

Just when you thought we were finished, 1:87 NJ John was notified that Penn Central Extra 3144 from Potomac Yard via Morrisville, PA has some inbound auto parts box cars from the Ford Plant in Louisville, KY. This was a train that originated in Rock Ridge back on P.C.C.M. #107... These cars will get dropped in Rock Ridge Yard for future PCCM moves in 2025...

PC Extra 3144 arrives in Rock Ridge Yard...

1:87 Engineer JP aboard his SW1500 #100 gets ready to break down the incoming train...

Like clockwork, JP works his magic...

Let's watch JP drop the last of the cars from Extra 3144...

The crew are ready to go...

But not before grabbing some food at the most popular place to eat in Rock Ridge... "Meet At Ralph's" diner!! It's so popular, we spot a very familiar auto in the parking lot. They know good food when visiting Rock Ridge!!

Now it's a wrap!! This concludes P.C.C.M. #108 on my railroad. The rest of the inbound freight from my railroad can be seen on Sir John's New York Central Train Layout and PC Ralph's Kings Port Division Railroad.

Thanks for reading and please comment!