Sunday, February 18, 2024

P.C.C.M. #103 Part 7 - The Last Of The Freight Being Delivered

Welcome back to the conclusion of PCCM #103 on the APRR. The last of the inbound freight will be delivered to the consignees in and around Rock Ridge...

Today's manifest is as follows...

C&P Restaurant Supply Manifest
Train RN-2

From NYCTL Industries
Hostess with baked goods 
AP 58260
     AP 58279      
   TPW 70126  
Empire Produce with perishables     
EL 5034   

Richmond Hill Engine Terminal
Train RRH-11

NYCTL Industries
T&R Gravel with locomotive sand
PC 876818 PC 877242 PC 882147 PC 882509 


AP MP15 engines #106/107 will handle AP Train RN-2 to C&P Restaurant Supply. Kai and Dan are in the cabs today. AP #307 will work the yard with Matt in the seat. NJ John is overseeing the moves in the yard today.,,

A string of 4 box cars will be brought over to C&P Restaurant Supply... 

Meanwhile GP40 EB #8163 with Norman in the cab has arrived from Richmond hill Engine Terminal to pick up the 4 PS-2 covered hoppers with locomotive sand and take them back to the terminal...

They pull the 4 cars...

And give add them to the engine and caboose. yes, the caboose is behind the engine! (It's an APRR thing)

A quick stop at CP Industrial South to check in with tower operator Rich...

They await the signal at the yard limit...

...And head out...

AP Train RRH-11 is on the move...!

Back in the yard, the crew assembles AP Train RN-2 for C&P...

A stop at the tower where Rich gives them some additional train orders...

The isgnal is an approach, and they head out...!

AP Train heads out to C&P Restaurant Supply...

Later in the day, they arrive at C&P...

 Let's see how the crew spots the freight cars on track 1 in the building...

Now that the cars are dropped, the guys head back to the yard...

NJ John closes out the manifest sheet as the crew ties down. The work for today is finished!

This concludes PCCM #103 on the APRR...

Don't forget to check out the final inbound moves here!

Sir John's Incredible New York Central Train Layout 


PC Ralph's Amazing Kings Port Division Railroad

Thanks for reading!!



Saturday, February 17, 2024

P.C.C.M. #103 Part 6 - Freight On The Move!

Welcome back to the continuation of the inbound portion of Penn Central Car Movement #103 on the APRR.

(Note: We had some type of glitch with the videos and due to this issue, I'm hoping they are in the correct order)

Today the crew will send out 2 trains; one for the east side of Rock Ridge and the other to the west side of Rock Ridge.

Below are the manifests for each train...

Ideal Auto Parts/ Mike’s Lumber Manifest 
Train RE-3

Mike's Lumber
From NYCTL Industries
US Veneer with veneers
TPW 50572
TPW 50578
TPW 50568
TPW 50517 

Ideal Auto Parts
From NYCTL Industries
Moore & Co  with imported electronics
AP 4035 
AP 4182   
From KPD Industries
LV 8247  from Delco (batteries and electronics)

Three Amigos Warehouse Manifest 
Train RW-5

Three Amigos Warehouse & Storage
From NYCTL Industries
Speed Queen with appliances
AP 4194
AP 4197    
EB 4385

From KPD Industries
Zenith TV (Televisions)
KP&W 30112
KP&W 30115
Peerless Appliance
KP&W  644450 & 644455 
KP&W  644455

Local Rock Ridge Yard Manifest
Train RR-1

From KPD Industries
LV 7120 from Bucola Cold Storage.
From NYCTL Industries
Long Island Produce with produce
UPFE 457603
BNFE 9674  
BNFE 19963 

From NYCTL Industries
USLX 13068 from Ralph's Grocery

Today Dan and Norman are in AP MP15's #106/#107. Mark is in AP GP38-2 #307. Kai is in AP MP15 #105. The crews are ready and will start moving some freight around in the yard and build the outbound trains...

The yard is ready for action! The boys will have their work cut out for them. The move over to ShopRite has taken place as they needed these reefers out of the way....

Now they can make some moves...

Some AP Box cars are being blocked...

As well as some cars from the KPD...

The yard crew making some moves...

Ideal Auto Parts cars are ready...

The train for Ideal and Mike's is almost ready to depart....

Looks like those sharp looking 40' Hi Cube Box cars for Three Amigos are being blocked...

Some TP&W cars for Mike's Lumber and that bold Orange TR&W will head over to C&P Restaurant Supply..

Cars are almost ready to head out...

The Tropicana reefer will b ebrought over to Tropicana by the yard crew..

AP #105 will drop the lone car over at Tropicana for loading...

...And now to continue work in the yard...

AP #307 is ready to go for train RE-3...

Train RE-3 departs the yard...

AP Train RE-3 out on the main....

Meanwhile, AP Train RW-5 needs a caboose!!

AP Train RW-5 heads out...

Over at West Harold tower, the crew needs to pull 5 non-PCCM box cars back to the yard and then can drop the 7 inbound box cars...

The crew will head back to the yard with 5 in tow..

Train RW-5 returning to Rock Ridge Yard.

Back over at Ideal Auto Parts, AP Train RE-3 has arrived and starts to drill the industry...

Next stop is Mike's Lumber...

The crew drops the cars to do a run around to shove the 4 cars into Mike's Lumber...

AP Train RE-3 working Mike's Lumber...

Now heading back to the yard...

Arriving at CP Rock, the north end of Rock Ridge yard. They'll hold as some moves are happening in front of them...

The tracks are clear and AP #307 is back in the yard...

Today's work is completed. Tomorrow the AP crew will deliver to C&P Restuarant Supply and have the crew at Richmond Hill Engine Terminal pick up the covered hopper with locomotive sand for the engines...

Thanks for reading!!