Saturday, June 25, 2022

P.C.C.M. #93 Part 6 On The A.P.R.R. - Getting The Freight Out To The Local Industries

Welcome back to the final inbound part of Penn Central Car Movement #93 on the A.P.R.R. Yesterday we saw the freight arrive from Weehawken with both loads and empties from Sir John's Amazing N.Y.C.T.L. Railroad and PC Ralph's Incredibly detailed Kings Port Division Railroad.

Here we go...!

Today's jobs are as follows:

AP Train RT-1
Three Amigos Warehouse 
Motive Power - AP RS-1 #200

AP Train RI-3
Ideal Auto Parts / C&P Restaurant Supply
Motive Power - AP MP15DC #106/107

AP Train RC-2
Cargill / Tropicana
Motive Power - AP SW1500 #100

AP Yard Move 
ShopRite Food Warehouse
Motive Power - AP MP15DC #105

In the cab of AP #105 is 1:87 Scale Matt, back from visiting family in Tennessee. The first train out will be train RT-1...

Matt pulls the cars for this train...

AP RS-1 #200 "Spirit Of Jay" arrives from the Richmond Hill Engine Terminal with 1:87 Scale Steve in the cab and conductor Bob not far behind...

Matt pulls the caboose to add to the end of the train..

Caboose #60, a recent addition from the Dedham, MA paint shops who work on certain freight cars and engines for the APRR is in place...

AP Train RT-1 ready to go...

The signal is up...!

AP Train RT-1 on the move...!

Next train Matt is building will be for Ideal Auto Parts and C&P Restaurant Supply. Three Auto Parts Box cars and a reefer that will be dropped off right after they spot the cars at Ideal....

A pair of AP MP15DC engines are ready to go along with a special treat! AP Caboose #79, in it's bright orange paint scheme was carefully created at the Patti-O Paint Shops in Empire City (okay, really in Georgia...shhhh!). Engineer 1:87 Scale Mark with conductor Jim will handle this run...

They add the BAR car for C&P to the train and will be ready to go...

Train RI-3 departs the yard... (Note-there's a typo in there spotted after the fact. Deal with it!)

AP Train RI-3 on the move to Ideal and C&P Restaurant Supply...

Next train move in Rock Ridge will be the Hostess covered hopper for Cargill and 2 gondola cars for Tropicana. 1:87 Scale JP will handle the move. Since its within the Rock Ridge Yard limits, JP doesn't need a caboose. According to JP "We don't need no stinkin' caboose!"

JP works quickly so he can get out of the yard. He doesn't want to get called back to do more work. He's a senior engineer on the APRR. Besides, no one wants to argue with JP!

JP is ready to go and the tower operator has given him the signal..

JP heads over to Cargill and Tropicana as AP Train RC-2

JP goes right to work. First spot is Cargill...

Next spot is over at Tropicana. In the background is the Morton Salt facility. It's within Rock Ridge Yard as 1:87 Sir Neal made them an offer they couldn't refuse to locate their east coast operations to Rock Ridge...

JP is finished. He's back on the power plant track talking with one of the workers. Probably discussing what they will have for lunch!

Back over in the yard, there are 3 Hi-Cube box cars that need to be spotted over at ShopRite. Two of these cars are AP owned and the third is EB owned. The Empire Belt is the local railroad operating in Empire City on the N.Y.C.T.L. All three were painted at the Patti-O Paint Shop. 

Let's watch Matt spot the cars...

Matt is working on moving some freight cars around. Not sure what he's up to...

Matt has these cars on the west ladder. There must be another train going out, but we don't see it listed on today's work assignments. We'll have to wait and see what's going on...

Back over near Ideal, Mark is working on spotting the cars at Ideal. 

Now on to C&P Restaurant Supply...

Mark shoves the car into the building...

And they head back to the yard. However, it looks like they're being held at the yard limit...

Now we know why Matt was building a train on the west ladder. EL GP35 #2570 from Philipsburg, NJ  has arrived to pick up a string of cars...

Matt adds that sharp looking Bay Window Caboose to the train..

A quick stop to give the crew the train orders...

EL Extra Train 2570 is ready to depart Rock Ridge Yard..

Erie Lackawanna Extra 2570 is on the move! 

Extra 2570 Thru West Harold. These guys mean business!! Guess they don't want to be here. Oh well...

Now we see that AP Train RT-1 is by West Harold Tower and getting ready to drop off the 7 box cars. First they must pull some non-PCCM box cars out in order to drop the 5 cars from PC Richard and the 2 from Zenith TV...

They pull 3 cars...

First drop is the 2 KP&W box cars from Zenith TV on the KPD. 

Now to spot the 5 TP&W box cars from PC Richard & Son...

Here we go...

The cars are spotted and the crew can head back to the yard...

Mark and Jim are finished for the day...

...And this concludes the inbound portion of Penn Central Car Movement #93 on my railroad.

Don't forget to check out the inbound part on Sir John's Amazing N.Y.C.T.L. Railroad and PC Ralph's Incredibly detailed Kings Port Division Railroad. Both railroads received a record number of freight cars from the APRR!!

Until next time. Thanks for reading!

Friday, June 24, 2022

P.C.C.M. #93 Part 5 On The A.P.R.R. - Inbound Freight from The N.Y.C.T.L. & K.P.D.

Welcome back to the inbound portion of Penn Central Car Movement #93! This is a virtual freight car move between Sir John's N.Y.C.T.L.Railroad and PC Ralph's K.P.D. Railroad

The day crew has arrived and sees that all of the freight between some industries in and around Rock Ridge has been delivered. The box cars from Three Amigos Warehouse are now over at American Hardware.

Cargill has the empty covered hopper from Freihofers Bakeries....

...And the KP&W box car from American Hardware is now waiting to be loaded over at Shapeless Steel...

Now we turn our attention to the inbound train coming from Weehawken. AP Train WR-5 has arrived at West Harold Interlocking waiting for a signal to proceed to Rock Ridge Yard...

They get the signal and head over to Rock Ridge Yard...

The crew now awaits the signal to enter Rock Ridge Yard. It's always busy and the tower operator needs to make sure the crews are ready...

They have the signal and move slowly to the yard...

A quick stop by the tower to have a chat with 1:87 Scale Tower Operator Rich for last minute instructions...

AP Train WR-5 arrives in Rock Ridge Yard...

The crew checks in with Yardmaster 1:87 Scale NJ John and lets him know the yard crew will start to pull the freight cars off the train using the caboose as a shoving platform for safety since there are multiple blocks on the train....

The first set of cars are for Three Amigos Warehouse from Zenith TV on the K.P.D....

The next set of cars are for Ideal Auto Parts from the Ford Plant on the N.Y.C.T.L....

The covered hopper from Hostess will go over to Cargill. The 3 brightly colored Hi-Cube box cars are from Hostess going to ShopRite. Care to guess what's in this delivery? Hostess Twinkees maybe? 

Right in front of those Hi-Cubes are 5 brand new, just out of the Patti-O Paint Shop on the N.Y.C.T.L. are 5 TP&W box cars from PC Richard & Son going over to Three Amigos Warehouse with appliances...

Here's the string of TP&W cars being blocked...

The yard crew gives the engines the caboose and the engines will head to the AP Richmond Hill Engine Terminal. 

The crew waits for the signal...

They have the signal and will head out...

Next stop, Richmond Hill Engine Terminal...!

AP engines 2370/2360 head thru Little Jamaica....

Back over in the yard, a few more cars need to be classified. The gondolas with steel pipe from Gervais Pipe on the N.Y.C.T.L. are for Tropicana to expand their operations. The BAR yellow reefer will head over to C&P Restaurant Supply with a cold load of Louis Sherry Ice Cream from Empire City. I wonder if they have 1:87 Sir Neal's favorite flavor...VANILLA BEAN!

The cars are sorted....

The work is finished for today. Tomorrow the yard crews will get busy to get the freight delivered to all of the consignees...

Don't forget to follow the freight that left the APRR over on Sir John's N.Y.C.T.L.Railroad and PC Ralph's K.P.D. Railroad

Thanks for reading!