Sunday, January 20, 2019

P.C.C.M. 56: A Tribute to the New Haven RR on the A.P.R.R.

Greetings followers of the Atlantic Pacific Railroad!

We've had a number of unique op sessions and tributes on our railroads. The group decided to do a tribute to the New Haven Railroad, and everyone will honor the New Haven in their own way, as we should!

My fleet of New Haven equipment is mostly diesel engines and passenger cars, with a small smattering of freight cars. The engine roster has a Walthers Proto Alco PA-1, Athearn SDP40, Bachmann Spectrum E-33, and two Atlas GP38 engines that encompass my fleet. 

I have a number of McGinnis passenger cars to support these engines. Branchline came out with a set of Heavyweight cars in kit form, and they're still waiting to be built (as are other kits). Walthers did some passenger cars in the NH streamline paint scheme, and so did Rapido on their line of Osgood-Bradley passenger cars. Back in the day, IHC as well as Rivarossi produced them in 8 car sets. I'm sure these were not prototypical of the New Haven, however, they looked good and I found 6 of them. These are the cars I will highlight on the layout as my tribute to the New Haven.

This is one of two Atlas GP38 engines on the roster. The other engine is #253

The passenger cars are from IHC with the exception of the heavyweight sleeper, which is from Rivarossi. There are six cars on the train. One car, the baggage was camera shy...

NH Extra OCS-1 arriving at Baskerville Jct. outside of Rock Ridge. Looks like the crossing gates got excited and decided to play some games...

Some fan awaiting for their usual local passenger train received a nice surprise. 

And now, just like the real railroad, we head out into the sunset......


  1. Nice work Sir Neal!!! The NH/CDOT engines look very cool.The black with orange stripe NH HW cars look great.

  2. I didn't realize you had so much NH equipment! That is a fine looking train! I wondered about the prototypes for the Rivarossi cars myself. I have the Boston Bay and one other coach. Like you I think they look great!

  3. Really great looking NH passenger train and equipment. Enjoyed the video action on the APRR. Nice tribute to the NH/PC merger!!!
