Tuesday, September 4, 2018

More Detail Work on the Layout

Greetings followers of the Atlantic Pacific Railroad!

We're getting close to the September 15th NMRA/NER Open House Layout Tour, and I'm starting to add some small details to the railroad.

I've added some lighted Fire Trucks to the Menards Fire Station. The Fire Truck they included did not light up and was more of a European prototype. 

There are two passenger stations on the upper level of the layout. One is located on a curve of the main peninsula. It's called Baskerville Jct. in honor of my Father-In-Law, who was a huge fan and follower of Sherlock Holmes. It's been on my previous layout, and it has a home here. I added some figures and some lamp posts (non-operating), as well as some people. This has been featured in previous blogs. 

The other passenger station, and a larger focal point is the Amtrak Station that sits above the tracks. On the previous layout, it was part of a stub terminal with 8 platform tracks below and additional tracks for baggage, RPO, and storage. A couple years ago I ordered highway lights, and parking lot lights to add to the railroad. This past weekend, I added them (non-operating for now). 

Something was still missing on the station. Can't have a passenger station without passengers, right? We went into our collection of figures, and added some to the station.

This should be enough for now. I'll probably find more somewhere in my stash of goodies. 

Check back often for more updates. Thanks for reading! 


  1. Layout is really coming together. Fire trucks and Fire Station looking great with the lights and animation. Details and people are nice touches to the railroad stations. Should be a fun time with the tours.

  2. Agree with Brian. The little details really add a lot to the many scenes on the A.P.R.R.. Keep the momentum going!

  3. Yes people arrive in force! Lots of progress Neal.

  4. The lights on the fire trucks and inside the fire station looked great Neal, im sure those parts will be a show stopper. Union station looks good also.
