Saturday, December 29, 2018

Another Florida Layout Update

Greetings again from sunny, rainy, windy and cloudy Florida with all of this weather happening in just one day!

Now that all of the framing for the upper level is in place, it was time to add the plywood tops. As with both layouts, there's no grade on most of the layout, with the exception of the helix, which is a 2% grade. 

All of the small chocks that I mentioned in the last video were installed (37 of them), the plywood was added. For whatever reason and it escapes me, I had to cut down one section of the plywood. It wasn't a big deal, as I have a Ryobi cordless circular saw for most cuts. Also down here is a Ryobi Cordless Compound Mitre Saw and a Ryobi corded jig saw. One thing I didn't buy was a table saw as I really didn't think I would use it. The lumber yard who made all the cuts for me was the big help here in ripping the sheets to the sizes I needed. 

The last section on the west wall was the one that needed a little work. A cut around the wires that lead to the router and WiFi system and then a cut to join the upper level to the helix. It wasn't my decision where to put it, the company that installed it decided my train room was the best. The HOA that we live in pays for this (okay so do we in our dues), so I worked around it. 

The last piece of what I like to call the puzzle is the connection of the lower level to the helix. This one has some challenges due to the limited amount of space. 

The radius coming off the helix for the outer track will be 28" and 26" for the inside helix. Spacing between the centers will be adjusted so I have 2 1/2" centers. 

The biggest concern, which is more than likely unavoidable, is an "S" curve. The only way to lessen that "S" curve is to reduce the radius from 28"/26" to 26"/24". The still may be an issue for my full lenngth passenger cars and 89' freight cars. Right now, all I have for the 89' cars are a few flat cars. I have 2 auto racks that I brought down to have in the yard, more for show than for operations. Longer cars take up more space. If a spot for a small transload area becomes available, I may add one.

The image here shows how tight the space is against the lower level. The turnout in the picture is for a set of intermodal tracks, part of the proposed operations of the layout. 

Here's the "S" curve issue. If I run 40'-60' or even the 73' centerbeams, it's not that bad. The tracks shown are with the larger radius track. If I switch to the smaller radius, I get a an inch or two more on straight track from the curves. 

We're going to continue to work on this area. Need to add a 6"-9" wide by 36" long section of plywood to support the start of the incline to connect to the helix. Once installed, I'll decide which radius to use. Bigger is better, just hoping in this case I can do it. 


  1. Looking good Sir Neal!!! What a nice way to wind down 2018 with the benchwork just about done. Looking forward to the first revenue run!
