Saturday, November 9, 2019

P.C.C.M. #66 Part 1 - Outbound Freight For Departure

Greetings followers of the Atlantic Pacific Railroad and my blog. We're getting ready to start another Penn Central Car Movement, in a series that started with just two layouts - Sir John's The New York Central Train Layout and PC Ralph's The Kings Port Division HO Scale Model Railroad. It has grown to participation with my railroad and Brian's Ralston Creek Railroad.

Today we're going to start off with P.C.C.M. #66 and it will be a 3 layout move! As many of you may have read, I was on vacation, so the N.Y.C.T.L. created a 'story' on why the A.P.R.R. could not participate. Train Line Closed from Weehawken to Rock Ridge. Of course Ralph's Railroad helped out with Clean Up On The River Line. We finished it with the Train Delrailment Clean Up. Now on to P.C.C.M. #66!

Here's today's assignment for the crew in Rock Ridge Yard. Multiple pick up locations as freight has been waiting to head out!

The first move of the day is taking place at the R.M.O. Electric Power Plant. Since the closing of the line, the surplus coal was being used and now they're needing more. AP #900 GE 44 Tonner will pull out two empty hopper cars destined for KP Steel for more coal. 1/87th Ken is operating the engine. It's a short move since the engine only works the tracks within the industry and approximately 100 years outside on the Rock Ridge Secondary. He'll drop the empties and AP #200 RS-1 with 1/87th Bob in the cab with his brakeman 1/87th Stuart on the line for a number of moves. They'll head out as RM-1...

They bring the empties to the yard and store them on the east ladder track #4.

Next up is AP #201 RS-1, the sister engine to #200.  Engineer of the day on #201 is 1/87th Steve, along with his brakeman 1/87th Bill. Both are veteran railroad guys, so they're shouldn't be any issues picking up the freight cars in the Rock Ridge area. They're assigned RR-2 and will make pick ups at Freihofers, Shapeless Steel, C&P Restaurant Supply and Mike's Lumber.

Three cars will be pulled from Freihofers. The LV Box Car us supposed to head to West Mill Empty. However, Sir 1/87th Neal has made arrangements with Freihofers management to put a pallet of those Freihofers Chocolate Chip Cookies to the management of the KP&W for their help with the derailment on the PC line. The same thing will apply with the HRC car as it will have an extra pallet of cookies for the N.Y.C.T.L. crew who hauled away some of the wreckage on the line. That car as well as the PC car are headed to Ralph's Grocery with Freihofers baked cookies and cakes. They should be able to smell that car coming their way!!

Next stop is to Shapeless Steel as they've loaded some sheets of steel, which will be used at Acme Auto Parts. The original load was going to be coils, but an earlier production run by another customers wiped them out. A call to Acme and they're taking the flat loads as well. Thank you Acme Auto Parts!

While on the north side of town, a stop at C&P Restaurant Supply to pick up HRC 40' Box car. This car will head to Canton Box on the KP&W light for more cardboard supplies.

A final stop on this run is to pick up EBRR 50' Box car that will head over to Neal's Lumber & Hardware in Empire City. In addition, they'll pull the other remaining box cars and store them at the yard until requested by its owners. Can we hear storage charges being racked up?

Meanwhile, AP #200 will help block the cars that will be brought back to the yard. They'll separate the cars for the KP&W and N.Y.C.T.L. on their own tracks, and then when ready to build the departing train, it will be easy to separate at Selkirk.

Last move of the day for RR-2 is to drop the 3 empties from Mike's Lumber over on the storage tracks. The freight yard has plenty of space to store them - for now..!

There's 3 86' Auto Parts cars and 1 50' DD box cars that are heading to the Ford Plant on the N.Y.C.T.L. that need to picked up. AP #200 will be designated RI-1, Ideal Auto Parts Turn.

The cars are pulled and now they'll head back home...

Due to the length of these 86' cars, they're going to drop them on one of the arrival / departure tracks in Rock Ridge. It's easier to add them to the train when ready to head out.

Meanwhile, there are 4 PS-2 PC covered hoppers that will head out to T&R Gravel on the N.Y.C.T.L. They go back and forth as T&R fills them with sand to be used by the engines on the A.P.R.R. and any leased engines on the system. AP#201 will put all 4 cars on one track so when the train is ready to depart, they'll be easy to block again in Selkirk.

The runs are completed for today. Tomorrow the crews of the day will assemble the train that will head to Selkirk, where the freight cars will be dispatched to both the KP&W and the N.Y.C.T.L.

Thanks for reading!!


  1. To: Rock Ridge / West Mill / Elkhart
    From: Terminal Yard

    Acknowledge dispatch of AP Trains RI-1, RR-2, RM-1 and RR-4.
    Acknowledge pickups of freight cars for NYCTL & KPD layouts.

    Terminal Yard out...

    Well done Sir Neal!!! Lots of local train action and switching moves to get these cars into Rock Ridge Yard for interchange with the NYCTL and KPD. Very enjoyable to see the 1/87th scale APRR crew working as a finely tuned swiss watch after the prolonged line closure.

  2. To: Rock Ridge, Terminal Yard, Elkhart
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge the dispatch of AP Trains RI-1, RR-2, RM-1 and RR-4 and pickups of cars for the KPD.

    West Mill out.

    You had a lot of work to do for this series but as John noted the APRR handled it very nicely!

    West Mill says many thanks for the pallet of cookies in the LV car!

    ACME acknowledges the change in load.

    Good to have the line from Weehawken to Rock Ridge open again!
