Saturday, November 16, 2019

P.C.C.M. 66 Part 3 - Inbound To Rock Ridge

Greetings followers of the Atlantic Pacific Railroad and the Penn Central Car Movements! 

We continue with the inbound portion on the A.P.R.R. as freight has been waiting to come into Rock Ridge as well as outbound freight from Rock Ridge to Selkirk, NY, Morrisville, PA and beyond!

Freight was transferred from Sir John's N.Y.C.T.L. and PC Ralph's KP & W and classified in Selkirk. 

Two trains from Selkirk arrived at Weehawken overnight. PC Train VN-2 with lead engine PC 7983 as well as Extra 2350. The AP sent a pair of engines up north to handle the heavy loads as VN-2 needed to get out in a hurry!

Let's check out the departure of these two trains from Weehawken. Next stop, Rock Ridge!

Extra 2350 is being held at West Harold as PC WV-2 is a priority train and they routed WV-2 on track 2, which is normally used for westbound trains coming out of Rock Ridge. In addition, there's an outbound train from Rock Ridge being held until PC WV-2 crosses over to the approach track to Rock Ridge. 

West Harold Interlocking will route these trains to and from Rock Ridge Yard. West Harold Tower Operator 1/87th Bob will have his hands full!!

PC Train WV-2 has entered Rock Ridge Yard at CP South. A quick stop to speak with Tower Operator 1/87th Rich and the train will head into the yard.

The engine and crew will cut away from the train as the yard crew will take over to break down the trains. 

AP #105 and crew will break down this train and classify the cars until the next days crew will deliver them to the consignees. 

The engines are parked on East Yard track 2 until the next day and a new crew will take the pair of engines to the Richmond Hill Engine Terminal for servicing.

Meanwhile, Extra 2350 has arrived outside of Rock Ridge Yards north end and is awaiting the word from dispatch to proceed into Rock Ridge Yard. 

Extra 2350 gets the signal to enter the yard and tie down for the day...

We'll end Part 3 here today. Check back tomorrow of the continuation of the inbound freight on the A.P.R.R.!


  1. To: RockRidge, Terminl Yard,
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge the arrival of PC VN-2 and APRR Extra 2350.

    West Mill out.

    Lots of freight coming into Rock Ridge! I especially liked the three train meet in your video at West Harold! Your locomotives and rolling stock run so smoothly in all scenes! The trains highlight freelanced railroading with nice cars from the A.P.R.R., E.B.R.R. and KP&W! Hey! The Morton Salt car! Haven't seen that for a while and look forward to seeing it on the KP&W gain next time it comes up based on routing from the Rail Traffic Management Form.

  2. To: Rock Ridge / West Mill / Elkhart
    From: Terminal Yard

    Acknowledge arrival of PC WV-2 at Rock Ridge Yard.
    Acknowledge arrival of AP Extra 2350 at Rock Ridge Yard.

    Nice job handling the large amount of freight coming into Rock Ridge this series Sir Neal!!! Agree with Ralph, AP trackwork is bullet proof. Cool video of the three train meet and I really like the four axle U Boats on Extra 2350. Looking forward to the next episode!
