Friday, November 20, 2020

P.C.C.M. #78 Part 1 - A Call For Grain!!

Welcome to Penn Central Car Movement #78, A Call For Grain!!

There was a call from the N.Y.C.T.L.that Pier 16 Grain Silos were ready for their next grain delivery sooner than later, so the A.P.R.R., as well as the K.P. & W. needed those grain cars sent out immediately!!

The crew at Rock Ridge jumps into action. AP yard engine #105 fires up and gets ready to head over to Cargill. 10 cars are will be heading out to Terminal Yard via Selkirk for final delivery to the Pier 16 Grain Silos.

At the throttle is 1/87th scale Dan. along with 1/87th scale conductor Stuart who will run over to Cargill. No caboose is needed as their still in the yard limits of Rock Ridge...

A quick stop at CP South with some final orders...

A short time later, they arrive over at Cargill. 

The pull from Cargill begins...

Let's watch the crew get these loads from Cargill...

Meanwhile, a crew is getting ready to pick up a pair of Penn Central engines to take the train up to Selkirk and hand it off to another crew. The crew will remain in Selkirk overnight as this train is doing a quick turnaround. So who gets to stay in luxurious accommodations in Selkirk, NY, courtesy of the management of the Penn Central? Why none other than A.P.R.R.'s finest and most experienced engineers, 1/87th scale NJ John, and 1/87th scale Norman. Norman, who does double duty as the official A.P.R.R. photographer, had never been to Selkirk, and he jumped at the opportunity to do the overnight run...

The guys will be using leased PC 3175 and 7675 for the run. 

They'll need a caboose with plenty of room, so PC 26403 will be used..

EB 8163, which works the area by Richmond Hill Engine Terminal pulls the caboose for the guys...

A short time later, PC 3175 & 7675 arrive at the Rock Ridge Yard Limit. They're being held there as the AP yard crew will give them the cars to head out...

1/87th scale Dan pulls the caboose off the rear engine so he can bring over the outbound and attach it to the engines...

The caboose is added t to the train and will head out as PC Extra 3175..

1/87th scale Engineer NJ John is waiting for the signal to come up...

And he gets the signal for him to exit the Rock Ridge Yard Limits...

Next contact is with the 1/87th scale Tower Operator Bob at Little Jamaica. Her we see the train run thru Little Jamaica. Time is of the essence!

Next we see the train highball it thru West Harold as 1/87th scale Tower Operator Steve watch the train roll by...

Next stop - Selkirk!!

Thanks for reading the outbound portion of P.C.C.M. #78 on my railroad.

You can catch the out from Ralph's K.P. & W.  as well as the inbound portion on Sir John's N.Y.C.T.L. 

Check back Sunday for the inbound return of these grain cars!

Thanks for reading!


  1. To: Rock Ridge / West Mill
    From: Terminal Yard

    Acknowledge dispatch of Extra 7675 from Rock Ridge Yard to Selkirk with ten loaded grain hoppers for the Pier 16 Silos.

    Acknowledge notification from Selkirk that Extra 3175 has been recrewed, refueled and has departed for Terminal Yard.

    Terminal Yard out...

    Nice job getting those loaded grain hoppers pulled out and sent out in such a timely manner! Both the "mother road" and the steamship company docked at Pier 16 greatly appreciate it. Please send our regards to the men! Terminal Yard will be ready to receive Extra 3175. Well done Sir Neal!

  2. Thank you Sir John! The crew at Rock Ridge sends regards back to the boys at Terminal Yard!
