Sunday, December 20, 2020

P.C.C.M. #79 Part 2 - Inbound To Rock Ridge!

Welcome back to the inbound portion of P.C.C.M. #79 - A Call for Coal - - and more!

This three layout move has empties from my railroad and PC Ralph's Kings Port Division heading to Sir John's N.Y.C.T.L. for coal and more. The A.P.R.R. requested ballast and sand as well as coal for R.M.O. Electric. 

PC Extra 6533 is returning from Selkirk after a short crew break late Saturday night. Here we see the train heading thru West Harold Interlocking at a restricted speed. AP Extra 304 is heading west thru the interlocking with a steel train heading to Allied Steel in Newark, NJ. Allied Steel has been around since 1969. They reached out to Shapeless Steel asking for some coil loads, flat steel and pipes. The timing is right as the Shapeless Steel recently received a huge pipe delivery from Gervais Steel on the N.Y.C.T.L.

Here we see the meet at West Harold...

Thru West Harold and Little Jamaica, they're on a hold at the Rock Ridge Yard Limit....

Now they have the approach to Rock Ridge..

PC Extra 6533 arrives in Rock Ridge - and on time!

They cut the engine and the yard crew will move it up so the day crew can do what they do best - DELIVER!

AP #100 drops the caboose by CP South so it's out of the way and will have it ready for 6533 to pick it up before heading out...

Meanwhile, AP #100 gets ready to take the coal hoppers over to R.M.O. Electric..

AP 100 dropping off the coal loads on the Rock Ridge Secondary ..

Now let's watch AP #900 in action spotting the cars in the Power Plant...

PC 6533 is ready to depart Rock Ridge for Weehawken where the engine will lay up until needed back at Selkirk...

Let's watch PC 6533 head to Weehawken...

While PC 6533 is heading out to Weehawken, EB 8163 can head back to Richmond Hill Engine Terminal with sand for the engines and will take the ballast to the terminal for storage until needed..

EB 8163 heading out to the engine terminal!!

It's a wrap for P.C.C.M. #79 on the A.P.R.R.! This was a great op session for me as I was able to add some other trains to keep the action moving in and out of Rock Ridge Yard.

Remember, the outbound and inbound from  PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and the inbound and outbound from  Sir John's N.Y.C.T.L. are all part of the action!!

Thanks for reading and check back often!!


  1. To: Rock Ridge / West Mill
    From: Terminal Yard

    Acknowledge arrival of Extra 6533 at Rock Ridge Yard.
    Acknowledge delivery of coal hoppers to RMO Electric
    Acknowledge 6533 running caboose lite to Weehawken and returned to Penn Central.
    Acknowledge EB 8163 delivering locomotive sand and ballast to AP Richmond Hill Engine Terminal.

    Terminal Yard out...

    A well choreographed movement of trains that if set to music would be a Broadway Show! The 6533 meet with AP 304 with pipes a plenty, AP 100 dropping the loaded hoppers on the Rock Ridge Secondary, AP 900 delivering the black diamonds to RMO Electric, the 6533 cabooses lite to Weehawken and EB 8163 blowing the carbon deposits our of her smokestacks on the way to the engine terminal were super smooth and very enjoyable to watch. The APRR engines and crews were firing on all cylinders this installment and their timing was impeccable. The signal system is another highlight of the op. This IS the way to run a RR!!! Great job closing it out Sir Neal!!!

  2. To: Rock Ridge / Terminal Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge arrival of Extra 6533 at Rock Ridge Yard and later returning as a caboose hop to Weehawken.

    West Mill out.

    Way to finish off this fun special coal op! Train meets are becoming one of my favorite parts of P.C.C.M.s and the one at caught at West Harold was perfect for us train fans! Very nicely done!
