Saturday, September 9, 2017

For all of you that like to watch trains run....

There are times when you want to see trains run and there's no better way than to see a long freight train run up the helix...

Penn Central SD45's make the climb up the 2% grade. No sweat for these beasts!



  1. SD45s pulling like a mule while running like a thoroughbred! Good looking train and those black diamonds were sparkling in the sun. Nice job!

  2. Penn Central Power! Power!! Power!!!

  3. Lots of fun to watch! Since the virtual ops program has begun, I've been following your blog and YouTube channel with great interest! Looks like you're from the same part of NJ where I grew up, in part, and your interests parallel mine in this area!

  4. Great looking power and rolling stock grinding through the helix. The SD45's will make great heavy duty power for the APRR!!
