Monday, July 29, 2019

Preparation For The Next Virtual Operating Session

Greetings followers of the Atlantic Pacific Railroad and my blog!

We're getting ready to start another series in our Penn Central Car Movements (PCCM). While the other participants model the Penn Central for the most part, I model both modern and the Penn Central. I do mix them on the railroad, especially when I am hosting an operating session. 

In order to capture both images and video, moves need to be made in order to make this as realistic as possible (scenery and other room distractions not withstanding). 

Last week I had some of the guys over to run some trains and many freight cars, including the ones used in our virtual ops were moved all over the place. I needed to go find them, bring then up from staging or wherever the guys moved them and set them in the yard, for the most part. All of the CSX and Conrail engines needed to be moved, plus any freight cars with markings that could be seen as modern. 

First set of moves was to send a train to staging with 10 assorted modern cars. While this was heading down, a PC train with a number of box cars was coming up top. Here we see the meet at the east end of West Harold Interlocking.

A second train that was in staging needed to come up. This train was mostly Penn Central box cars and some Empire Belt box cars. 

After all of the cars were moved around, sent down to staging or brought up from staging, we'll be ready to prepare for the upcoming Penn Central Car Movement!

Check back soon for new blog posts! Thanks for reading!


  1. Great prep work and always nice to see scenes of the A.P.R.R. whatever era might be represented!

    1. Changing eras, while a little challenging, adds to the enjoyment of running trains!

  2. Nice work getting set up of for the next PCCM! Those Empire Belt reefers sure look sharp!😁

  3. Yes they do! As a matter of fact, all of the EB rolling stock, including that Geep Engine, look great on the APRR property...
