Welcome to the final outbound portion of Penn Central Car Movement #102! This three layout outbound part of this series features Sir John's incredible New York Central Layout and PC Ralph's amazing Kings Port Division railroads.
The Rock Ridge Yard crew is ready to get this outbound train on the road on time! Dan and Matt are in the pair of AP MP15 engines...
A quick stop at SI Tower as Dan and Matt need to pick up the 4 PC PS-2 hoppers at their sister yard, Rock Ridge East...
They grab the 4 cars off yard track 3....
And shove back to Rock Ridge Yard....
Tower operator Rich tells the guys what track they will drop the cars for the build...
And they spot the cars on track 'C', even for a short time....
The Penn Central has sent up from Weehawken Yard an F7 ABA consist for the the outbound train.
They wait for the signal at the yard limit...
...And head in to Rock Ridge yard...
A quick wave to Rich and the company as they head into the yard....
...And arriving up the East Ladder...
The yard crew break off the caboose...
And the guys pull the caboose back so the build can begin...
AP #105 with JP at the controls starts the build of the KPD block. This will be the last set of cars to come off the train at West Mill...
The rest of the KPD block is pulled...
The first set of cars are added to the ladder track...
The cars are ready to be added to the Penn Central engines...
Another set of cars are added to the East Ladder track...
And now added to West Ladder track as these cars are part of the NYCTL block...
The cars look good, according the Yardmaster NJ John...
Dan and Matt add the caboose to the rear of the train.....
The PC engine crew charges the train air brake lines...
Penn Central Extra 1675 is now ready to depart Rock Ridge Yard....
They wait for the signal from the LJ Tower Operator Bob...
The approach signal is given and Penn Central Extra 1675 has the railroad!!
Next stop will be Weehawken, then West Mill for the KPD and on to Selkirk where the crew will hand off the rest of the train to the train crew from the NYCTL!!
This concludes the outbound portion of Penn Central Car Movement #102 on the APRR!