Friday, June 28, 2024

P.C.C.M. #106 On The A.P.R.R. Part 2 - A New Yard And A New Train!

Welcome back to the continuation of Penn Central Car Movement #106! Yesterday a pair of trains departed Rock Ridge for Weehawken with gondolas for both N.Y.C.T.L. and K.P.D. railroads...

Today is a special day on the A.P.R.R. as 1:87 Sir Neal along with 1:87 Sir John launch the Grand Opening of the A.P.R.R. Reynolds Intermodal Terminal!! This has been years in the making, and the day has come to open the terminal to it's new commodity - Trailer Trains!!

Today the crew has 1:87 engineers Sir John & Sir Neal on this inaugural move at the terminal. There's 8 flat cars with trailers for Terminal Yard and 7 non-PCCM flat cars with trailers for Selkirk for routing to other destinations...

Sir John is introduced to Tower Operator Bob as they start to pull the cars from the yard and drop them on the West Harold secondary tracks...

More cars are pulled...

The first cut of cars is on West Harold track 2 and the second uct is being dropped on track 1...

We need a caboose and 1:87 Norman picked up the caboose at Weehawken and adds it to the end of the train...

Sir John and Sir Neal have moved over to one of the storage tracks so the PC crew can pick up the train and head out to Weehawken and beyond...

PC U25C 6510 &6513 have the duty of running this train to Weehawken...

Next stop - Weehawken!!

Check back tomorrow for the return of Penn Central TV-10 Trailer Train Selkirk to Weehawken and onto Reynolds Intermodal Terminal as well as the inbound freight from West Mill on the KPD!

Don't forget to follow the rest of the movements from Sir John's N.Y.C.T.L. and PC Ralph's K.P.D.

Thanks for reading!!


  1. To: Rock Ridge/ Terminal Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge opening of the new Reynolds Intermodal Yard
    Acknowledge dispatch of inaugural Trailer Train TV-9R

    West Mill out.

    Congratulations on the opening of the new intermodal facility which will no doubt greatly add to operations between Rock Ridge and Terminal Yard! Thanks for photo documenting the first train out of this facility! We look forward to many more!

  2. To: Rock Ridge / West Mill
    From: Terminal Yard

    Acknowledge grand opening of Reynolds Intermodal Terminal.
    Acknowledge dispatch of first TV Train, TV-9R

    That was awesome Sir Neal!!! I appreciate the pomp and circumstance of the opening of the Reynolds Intermodal Terminal and enjoyed watching TV-9R get built and depart for Weehawken. Great job!!!!
