Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Breaking News! ShopRite Is Expanding!

Greetings followers of the Atlantic Pacific Railroad and my blog!

Today the APRR is announcing expanded delivery service to ShopRite Food Warehouse (Wakefern Food Corporation) with the acquisition of the adjacent warehouse in Rock Ridge Yard! Wakefern Food Corporation, parent company of ShopRite, has struck a deal with 1:87 Sir Neal to lease out the warehouse for a 30 year deal, with the option to renew or first right of refusal. Wakefern Food Corporation is an American company that was founded in 1946 and is based in Keasbey, New Jersey. It is the largest retailers' cooperative group of supermarkets and the fourth-largest cooperative of any kind in the United States.

ShopRite wasted no time in adding their signs to the property!

Here we see both original warehouse and the expansion next door. 

This will increase profits for both ShopRite and the APRR as traffic to this industry has been growing over the past 2 years. Now the APRR can make the moves in a more efficient manner spotting more railcars instead of having to move cars multiples times in a few days or twice in a day!

We now learn that Quaker Oats will be supplying ShopRite with a more diverse line of products for both their retail and wholesale operations. 

Sir Neal and the entire APRR staff welcome the new Shoprite Warehouse! 


  1. To: Rock Ridge
    From: Terminal Yard

    Congratulations on consummating the deal to add the expanded ShopRite to the APRR real estate portfolio. Wakefern will be pleased with the service provided by the crack crew of APRR trainmen stationed at Rock Ridge Yard.
    Over in Empire City Quaker is putting on a second shift to keep up with the increased demands for its products. The EBRR freight agent will be requesting and audience with the APRR freight agent to make sure both railroads have adequate rolling stock to keep this supply chain running consistently.
    The EBRR President will be meeting with the Penn Central Terminal Yard superintendent to move this freight traffic in an expedited manner whenever possible. New freight hauling agreements between the two RRs may be forthcoming.
    Terminal Yard Out...

    Congratulations Sir Neal!!! I'll follow up with you further via our email string.

  2. Congratulations to ShopRite for doubling their size at Rock Ridge and for landing a lucrative contract withQuaker Oats! Looking forward to seeing increased freight traffic between two big businesses that feed America as well as the coffers of the APRR and the EBRR!
