Thursday, July 6, 2017

P.C.C.M. #36 Rock Ridge Yard to Three Amigos Warehouse & Storage

P.C.C.M. #36P will be delivering the 2 KP&W freight cars 644450 & 644455 that were sent from Peerless Appliance in West Mill to the Three Amigos Warehouse & Storage.

A.P.R.R. #301 is called into action and will start RT-1 the Rock Ridge to Three Amigos Warehouse Turn.
AP #301 pulls out and heads to the rear of the freight that was dropped off earlier by PC3141/3111
301 couples up to the rear of the train to pull the freight cars needed for this run
PC Covered hopper is pulled off the rest of the train and spotted within Rock Ridge Yard. 301 and PC Caboose couple up to pick and spot the rest of the cars
Now that the rest of the cars are secured in the yard, AP engine #301 will pick up the rest of the freight cars, but not before the PC caboose needs to protect the rear of the train.

Now that our trusty PC caboose is on the rear of the train, AP train move RT-1 can commence. This train will head south out of Rock Ridge Yard, clearing the yard limit by Little Jamaica and proceed west to Three Amigos Warehouse via the cutoff by West Harold.

As AP #301 approaches West Harold Tower, RT-1 slows down to get verbal orders from the tower operator. RT-1 is running against traffic, so the move must be made in a timely manner as not to tie up the mainline track.
AP #301 has cleared the main and is now backed on to the West Harold Secondary track. Here the engineer will cut the cars on the track, pull the cars from the industry, and set off the new loads.
As the engine is pulled the loads, TAWS supervisor Rick P. is one very happy camper as they've been waiting for the delivery of those goods from Peerless Appliances.
Looks like they finally emptied that Nestle box car. Rumor has it that Rick and his crew decided to 'freeze' the car and inspect the load, which happened to have cases of Nestle Hot Chocolate Packets (Milk Chocolate Flavor). We do know the owner of the A.P. craves Nestle Hot Chocolate!
Now that the inbound track is cleared, the new cut of cars can be spotted on the industry track. These ares are dropped on the additional track that runs adjacent to the secondary track. This track was added to be used as a run around so that loads pulled out can be dropped on the track, engine cut, and then proceed to shove the loads to the siding.
Freight finally delivered to TAWS, #301 can pick up the empties and head back to Rock Ridge Yard.
As #301 passes West Harold Tower and backs on to the main, he'll proceed to Rock Ridge Yard long hood forward into Rock Ridge Yard
As RT-1 returns to Rock Ridge Yard, the crew will drop the cars on the West Ladder part of the yard and return to the engine track to await further assignment.
P.C.C.M. 36P Rock Ridge to Three Amigos Warehouse Turn is now complete and all freight has been delivered!

That concludes my portion of P.C.C.M 36! 

A.P.R.R. Out!


  1. To: Rock Ridge / West Mill
    From: Terminal Yard

    Acknowledge delivery of two KP&W boxcars to Three Amigos Warehouse by the A.P.R.R.

    Terminal Yard out...

    Nice job Sir Neal!!!! Great to see the A.P.R.R. in action. TAW looks great with very nice loading dock details.

  2. To: Rock Ridge
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge delivery of two KP&W boxcars to Three Amigos Warehouse by the A.P.R.R.

    West Mill Out.

    Great work! I enjoyed all of the action and seeing the KP&W cars on your layout! The A.P.R.R. loco livery is really nice looking!

  3. Looks like the A.P.R.R. is in the thick of the virtual ops now. Great looking local to get everything delivered to the customers.
